With the hype subsided, returning to Perfect Dark with a fresh perspective.
We knew little about Agent Dark when we first met her...
A new recruit on her first assignment. Setting new standards during training, her ruthless, cunning tactics have earned her the codename "Perfect Dark" .
This mission will be watched with much anticipation.
Will she exit the evil dataDyne Headquarters with flying colors - Or get blown to Swiss cheese by an army of Shock Troops?
After getting dropped on a Corporate rooftop, Joanna Dark slaps the CEO and fights her way to the basement - And reloads her gun like a badass bitch in the game's first level outro cinematic.
She proceeds to knock out the same guard (twice) in subsequent cinema scenes, before her snarky retort to Cassandra Devries: "Something I can do for you, old woman? "
Undaunted, Agent Dark nimbly darts into the rescue craft as she whips around and blasts towards the bad guys (or girls, in this case).
Jo makes a getaway as one of the guards falls down dead.
dataDyne CEO Cassandra DeVries doesn't even bat an eyelash over her fallen bodyguard - Instead, she's furious that some hotshot young spy has stolen valuable information.
Not too bad for Agent Dark's first mission.