Seem to remember, this is where things get really intense.
(As if sneaking into Area 51 to steal an alien wasn't daunting enough)
Definitely didn't expect to make it this far.
The mission title "ESPIONAGE" also shares its' name with a lovely little instrumental by the band Green Day.
(and also featured in Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me)
Checking out the Stewardess from whom I have to steal a disguise...
You think just anyone can swipe a uniform and waltz on board?
Reconnaissance photos show that Trent Easton is here.
(and giving instructions to one of his Lackeys)
Probably won't encounter him during the mission, but we're definitely on the right track.
His sense of style reminds me of Swanky Kong.
Looking forward to this one...On a whim, took a trip through the level.
No computer at the front desk. That's not suspicious...
Swear I've seen this Secretary before at the dataDyne building.
She must have gotten transferred.
Knew this guy is trouble, but resisted the urge to mess with him - Even though he was bloody well looking for trouble.
The game switches gears the moment that a dark grey-clad NSA Lackey declares "We're taking over!"
Does that mean the Alaskan Guards are now on my side?
Not quite sure, but this guy gets caught in the crossfire.
It's best to work quickly, because the base becomes instantly flooded with (presumably unlimited) troops.
The NSA Bodyguard characters seem to be the equivalent of the "Janus Special Forces" guys from GoldenEye.
Managed to fight my way to the plane on the first attempt.
For a quick tour, certainly wasn't planning to be within shouting distance of the end.
So close, yet so far. Better luck next time...
Tenth mission, and the third time we've had to deal with a laser grid.