1: dataDyne - Extraction
dataDyne Extraction:
Access foyer elevator
Reactivate office elevator
Destroy dataDyne hovercopter
Defeat Cassandra's bodyguards
5: Rendezvous
at helipad
alarm has been given, and there are dataDyne shock troops
ready for you throughout the building. Exit via the foyer
elevator is impossible due to the number of ground troops
present. The transport will collect you and Dr. Caroll from
the helipad.
all that challenging, but on Perfect Agent, you'll have
to deal with the dataDyne hovercopter, And the guards armed
with shotguns have much better aim, and you lose your health
much quicker. You must get upstairs to a computer, and activate
the Foyer elevator. From there, continue upstairs, and up
another floor, to grab the Rocket Launcher, and destroy
the hovercopter. From there, it's up another floor to defeat
the rest of the bodyguards armed with shotguns, and then
to the helipad to exit the level.
begin, and see nothing but blackness. Turn your Night Vision
on from your inventory. The door in front of you opens. Step
back, and pick off the guard hiding behind a desk. Head forward,
and to the left. A door is there, but step to the right and
open it.
up to shoot the guard in that room. Once he's fallen, enter
the room, but stay to your right, along the wall. To the left,
are guards behind barriers in another room. You can sometimes
shoot them without them shooting at you, depending on whether
they saw you enter the room or not.
of that room, look to the right, around a corner. Another guard
is hiding behind a fallen desk. To your left, up and behind
the guards you shot behind the barriers, is a flight of stairs,
with two guards perched on top. You can't pass by the barriers,
but you can knock off both guards from down there.
right, past one of the guards you shot behind a desk. Your route
heads around a left corner, so move against the right wall,
and creep forward to spot two more guards behind a desk. Continue
on, and the route heads left again, with another guard behind
a desk. Past him, is a flight of stairs. Head up it, and to
the elevator on your left. Objective
1: Complete.On
Perfect Agent, the lights will come on at 1:00 into the mission.
You'll need to turn your Night Vision off.
elevator takes you up quite far, to a higher floor. Exit the
elevator when it stops moving up, and head out, and to the right.
A guard is far around the corner, behind a desk.
behind the guard, is a door. The dataDyne hovercopter is patrolling
around the building, so turn up the volume, or turn down the
music from the options screen, to hear the hum of the copter.
Once it is past, you can head through the door, and follow the
hall which turns left, and left again, down a straight corridor.
Two dataDyne Female Guards will rush around the corner.
copter may be starting another circle, so you may wish to head
back and take cover in this office around the corner, closest
to the door you entered the hall from. Once it is safe to pass,
rush through the corridor again, all the way to the end this
time. Take out the Female Guard, and activate the computer to
access the foyer elevator controls. Objective
2: Complete.
wait for the controls to finish being accessed. As soon as you
press "B", you can leave. The objective will complete itself,
even after you leave. Expect to meet up with the dataDyne chopper
on your mad dash out of there. Don't challenge it, just keep
running, which decreases it's aim, and your chances of being
hit. Head back to the elevators, and this time, the one you
did not come from will be opened. Enter it, and head up.
next floor has two shock troops hiding behind a barrier. Lean
out for a split second, and jump back while they fire. When
they pause, jump out and blast them. Head through the door on
the left.
left through the door, and keep going. You'll meet up with one
Female Guard, and then through a door, two more. At the pair
of guards, head left, and through the brown door visible in
the right screenshot.
door leads you upstairs. Up there, you will find a shock troop
conversing with two office workers. Blast the shock troop who
is armed, but don't worry if you hit an office worker. They
won't attack you, and you can kill them without failing the
mission. Grab the Rocket Launcher on the pedestal where the
shock troop was.
open a window with another weapon, then select your Rocket Launcher,
and equip it's second function, the targeted rocket. Wait for
the copter, then send a rocket in it's general direction. With
the targeted rocket, it will seek out and destroy the copter,
as opposed to relying on your aim with a standard Rocket hitting
the moving target. Objective
3: Complete.
You only have a single rocket to destroy the copter, and if
you miss, you'll be doomed to wasting round after round of ammo
to destroy it. Well placed shotgun rounds are most effective
up the stairs, behind the pedestal. You'll enter a doorway,
and into a room with Cassandra DeVries. Turn on your night vision,
despite the bright light. The lights will go off, and head straight
forward, ambushing two of the guards against the wall. Head
into the corner, and pick off the two other guards on opposite
sides of the room.
final guard is harder. She's up the stairs, and around a corner.
Head for the stairs, but stay on the inside. Strafe out, and
hit here when she's not shooting. Kill her, and as long as you've
killed every other Female Guard in the place you'll get the
4: Completed
message. Head out the door behind her, and turn off your night
be on the roof, where you simply go up the stairs, and to the
helipad where you began in your very first mission. Just step
onto the helipad, and the Cinema scene kicks in. Objective
5: Completed.