2: Carrington Villa - Hostage One
Carrington Villa - Hostage
One: Overview
1: Eliminate
rooftop snipers
2: Activate
wind generator
3: Locate
and eliminate dataDyne hackers
4: Capture
dataDyne guard
5: Rescue
Carrington is being held hostage at his private villa. A message
from Cassandra De Vries has laid out the terms: Daniel's life
for the return of the AI known as Dr. Caroll. What she doesn't
know is that the AI was at the villa when they struck. Our hope
is that Daniel concealed it safely before they found him.
level that can be tough, unless you're aware of precisely where
the snipers are, and how to take down guards without being hit
yourself. This is a strange mission however, on Agent and Special
Agent, you'll begin on high ground, armed with a Sniper Rifle
to save the Negotiator. But on Perfect Agent, you are the negotiator.
The following walkthru assumes you're playing Perfect Agent, but
if not, simply keep in mind that you'll start in a different location
before reaching the docks.
 [Agents and Special Agents will start up high with the Sniper Rifle, and save the Negotiator]. On Perfect Agent, you are the Negotiator, starting on a dock, with two guards pointing guns at you. Luckily, you're
armed with a Laptop Gun. The guards will take a step back in
surprise when you draw it, giving you time to eliminate them
with high shots. Next, aim up to the roof, and to the right
to knock off the sniper before he hits you.
right around, to the end of the docks, overlooking the water,
and look across with the Laptop Gun to pick off another sniper
across the ravine. Proceed back toward the villa, up the ramp
and along the wall, on the dock. Another sniper is on the rooftop
at the corner of the building, up high.
picking off the sniper, strafe right, all the way to the end.
A guard beside this flight of stairs will see you, and will
usually hit the deck. A well placed bullet in his head will
keep him there. Head towards his corpse, and along the wall.
You'll find a door. Switch to unarmed.
need to knock out a single guard in the level, without killing
him. This is your best chance. Come up behind the guard, and
a punch will send him to the floor. Objective
4: Complete.
Head just past him around the curved wooden wall, and another
guard has his back turned. You might as well knock him out too,
to conserve ammo. Head past him, and to the stairs visible over
his shoulder in this right screenshot.
the stairs, two guards await in this big room. You can use your
CMP150s follow lock on to kill them easier. Head right, and
to this hallway past the kitchen, where a whole ton of guards
will appear. Lean out to shoot at them for brief moments, and
then lean back against the wall.
you're leaned back, reload before jumping out to fire again.
Once all are eliminated, head through their hall, grab their
guns, and head to the left.
will pass Carrington's kitchen, and then come to a flight of
stairs. At the top, are guards waiting around. Use the CMP150's
target locator to get some of them. You may decide to retreat
and catch them as they come around the corner.
all guards there are wiped out, head right coming up the stairs.
There is a door there, that leads outside. You can open it from
the side, and lean out to pick off this sniper. Don't expose
yourself for too long. Straight ahead, and to the right is another
sniper to be killed.
to the far right, is yet another sniper, barely visible on top
of a distant wall. Pick him off, and head back inside, and open
the door opposite and right of where you came in from outside.
inside, and lock onto the two guards outside. You can always
duck back inside, and make them come to you. Under left arches,
you can see a sniper on the roof. Kill him, and look under the
arches to the right.
sniper can be tough to pick off, so lean out to get the follow
lock on activated, lean in to let him shoot, then lean out and
fire to kill him. Objective
1: Completed.
Head back inside, down the stairs, past Carrington's dining
room, and turn right. Take the stairs that go down in and behind
the kitchen.
past the curved wooden wall, and through the double doors visible
in the left screenshot. Through the doors, there is a balcony.
Look over it to pick off a guard who will usually move when
he sees you. Head down the stairs, and under the balcony, to
find another guard. When you shoot him, a guard usually comes
through the next door.
that next door, head straight forward, and stick to the right
wall. You'll enter a room with railings, and three guards. They
can be tough to get, or easy. Depending on how they react when
they see you. The last guard hides around the corner. Beware
of him.
are two switches facing each other. Press 'B' to activate one,
then the other. Head back, and stick to the right wall, but
after taking the turn, head right. Another room with three guards
is ahead. Dispose of all of them. You can usually shoot the
first guard, then jump in and nail the second and third with
no problems, if you are an aggressive player.
all the guards there are eliminated, look for a switch on the
pillar in that room. Activate it with 'B' to reactivate the
wind generator. Objective
2: Completed.
After that, make a mad dash out of the room, and stick to the
right wall, all the way, out the door, and up the stairs. Press
'Start' and activate your R-Tracker from there. You have three
hackers to locate in the building. The hackers are always in
the same spot, two of them are opposite Carrington's dining
third hacker is past the dining room, up the stairs, and to
the left, in the big room. You can knock him off from the stairs.
3: Completed.
Head back down the stairs, past the dining room, down the stairs
of the kitchen, and all the way back down to the basement. Head
towards where you turned on the wind generator, and go right,
through the door. A guard awaits at the bottom of the stairs,
to the right. Head right, and shoot dead the two other guards
waiting there.
back, and through the opposite door. A guard waits behind a
wine shelf. You can shoot him from there. Another shelf is to
the right, with another guard. Guards await behind the six shelves.
The final guard to be killed, usually the one in the right screenshot,
drops the key to the door behind him, and the exit of the level,
where Carrington is waiting to be rescued. Objective
5: Completed.