06: G5 Building - Reconaissance

Mission 3: G5 Building - Reconnaissance

G5 Building Reconnaissance: Overview

1: Disable Damping Field Generator

2: Deactivate Laser Grid System

3: Photograph Meeting Conspirators

4: Retrieve Dr. Caroll Backup from safe

5: Escape


DetErest -

The G5 Building is actually a simple level. There is one small trick that plays a huge part in success: When you reach the meeting room by crawling on the above shaft, activate your CamSpy, and move it ahead a few feet, and STOP. Leave it there by pressing 'A'. Leave, and complete the rest of the level, up to decoding the vault door, As soon as you've planted the decoder on the lock, activate your CamSpy, and move it straight forward, to the meeting conspirators, and a cinema scene. The timer for your mission will freeze, but the timer for the decoder counts down, Your decoder time will be finished before the cinema scene is over. After that, you can press start, head to the vault, grab Dr. Carroll, and head for the exit.



You begin, in a room with two cloaked guards. Strafe to the right, and aim forward and wait for the cloaked guard who will usually appear there. After killing him, head over to his corpse, and turn right around. The second guard usually appears by the dumpster. The final guard that is killed will drop a keycard for you to pick up.

With the guard's keycard, you can leave the room, and down a hall, leading to this guard with his back to you. Finish him off, and head through the door, and off to the right side past the door. Arm your CMP150, and be prepared for four cloaked guards.

The cloaked guards will cross in front of you at this angle, and you can sometimes take two of them out in the process. Eliminate them quickly, so you take as little damage as possible. The last guard will drop a keycard for you to open the next door. Approach the door, but don't open it. Wait for the patrolling guard to come into view, and take him out with a head shot.

Head up the stairs, to another door. Watch, and wait for a guard to pass, going from left to right. Open the door, and kill him, being prepared for another guard behind the corner, who will head to the alarm. Don't let him hit it, or you'll fail the mission. The alarm is visible in the right picture.

If you did not make too much noise, this guard will remain to the left of the door you entered the room with. Kill him. Behind him, is a laser grid switch. You can identify it by the green light. Press 'B' to deactivate it. There are four switches that need to be deactivated. Deactivate all of them, being careful not to mistake this alarm for one. Objective 2: Completed. Head through this door by the alarm.

Through the doors, you head down a set of stairs, and meet up with about four guards. Take care of all of them, then press 'B' near this computer system, to deactivate the Damping Field Generator. Objective 1: Completed. Now head back up the stairs.

In the room, head up the next set of stairs. You'll end up on a duct system, where you'll have to crouch to get past. Follow the duct, all the way until Joanna Says "This must be the meeting room ahead". Face the end of the duct, a ways away from it.

Get out your CamSpy, and move it forward a few feet, then LEAVE IT THERE. Do not make it go any further. Turn around, and pick off the standing guard, jump down, and be prepared for another.

Shoot the second guard, again, making sure he doesn’t hit the alarm. Head past the first fallen guard, through a doorway, and up a flight of stairs.

Around the corner, you'll encounter a bunch of guards. You may want to duck back behind the corner, and lean out, firing a few shots at a time. Ahead and to the right is the room with the safe, and the Dr. Caroll Backup.

Get out your Decoder, and then activate your CamSpy. Move it forward, and the alarm will go off, but a cinema scene kicks in. The timer for the door decoder goes down, but everything else is frozen, including approaching guards. Objective 3: Completed.

You can watch the cinema scene, featuring the game's key characters at a meeting, revealing some of the hidden details of the story. You get to see the face of Mr. Blonde, whom you only saw the shadowy back of in the first mission.

Once the scene is over, the safe door will be unlocked. Head for it, and grab the Dr. Carroll Backup. Objective 4: Completed. Now, you must fight your way out. Clear all the guards nearby, and select remote mine from your inventory pause menu. Press 'A'+'B' at the same time to detonate the mine you planted in the Stealth level (in agent difficulty, you don't detonate the mine, you can just escape, as it is detonated for you)

Once the mine is detonated, head straight forward, through the smoke, and to the blown up door. Exit through there, and your mission is complete. Objective 5: Completed.