5: Air Base - Espionage Air
Base Espionage: Overview |
1: Obtain disguise
and enter base 2:
Check in equipment 3:
Subvert Security monotoring system 4:
Obtain flight plans from safe 5:
Board Air Force One | Background
- | Trent
Easton has flown to meet the President at the air base in Alaska preparing for
the President's foreign visit. From the evidence gathered in Chicago, we assume
that this is the start of his move against the President, and as such, it must
be prevented. | DetErest
- | A
mission where you start off stealthy and then posing as an innocent stewardess.
But mere seconds after completing your third objective, the music shifts, and
it's an all out blood bath, in a race to complete the level, alive. Your biggest
challenge of course, will be the heavily armed guards that attack you with high
power K7 Avengers. About the best trick to eliminating them, is staying far behind
a corner, and sniping them with head shots with your scope. There are also two
exits to this level: Boarding the Air Force One through the underbelly, which
is difficult, avoiding guards, and flickering laser grids, but will save you a
few seconds in the next level to earn the cheat. Or the safer method, and most
practical, entering the Air Force one from above. I prefer the second method.
start at the side of the base. Strafe around the corner, to shoot this guard waiting
in an inlet with your crossbow. Next, head out, past the base's door, and into
the inlet after that, to nail the guard before he hits the alarm.
around, and another guard will be ahead, somewhere. Take him out, and head forward,
into the tunnel visible in the left screenshot. The stewardess is a woman dressed
in blue, and she is normally accompanied by two Alaskan Guards. You can shoot
her with your crossbow, as long as you use the first function, which is sedate.
Always use Sedate, as you'll fail the mission for killing too many guards. Pick
up the up the bag that the stewardess drops. Switch to unarmed, and select the
disguise to wear. Objective
1: Complete.
back, and this time you may enter the base. A secretary and two armed guards await,
but as you are "the stewardess", they greet you. Head left, and up the elevator,
which is near a small side entrance to the base. At the top of the elevator, two
men in suits sit around a table. Punch them both out, and grab the suitcase that
is at the end of the room. You'll need this suitcase on Secret Agent and above.
back downstairs, to where the secretary is at the desk. Enter the door behind
the two guards, look around the corner, and switch to your DrugSpy. Knock off
the guard who is right ahead, then take the escalator to the right. At the bottom
is an NSA Lackey dressed in black to shoot, and a patrolling white guard is nearby.
The white Alaskan Guards will sometimes shoot and destroy the DrugSpy, so be careful.
Also, for this method, you'll only have two spare shots, so don't miss more than
twice with the DrugSpy.
across the room, and into another hall, turning right at the intersection. Another
guard patrols this hall. At the end, head up the stairs, and shoot the NSA Lackey
dressed in black first, then shoot the white Alaskan Guard. Leave the DrugSpy,
and return to Joanna's eyes, by pressing "B".
Joanna now, head forward, and down the escalator straight ahead. A guard patrols
this area, so knock him out from behind. Find the conveyor belt on the ground,
and throw your newly acquired suitcase on it. Objective
2: Complete. You must
move quickly now to complete your next objective, or fail the mission. Back up,
and head forward, into this brightly lit hallway.
the hallway, leads you into the big room where you drugged the Lackey at the bottom
of the stairs. Be sure to grab his gun, as well as the gun of any other nearby
guards you knocked out, and quickly head right at the next hall's intersection,
and up the stairs. Being fast is critical, because you must shut down the security
monitoring system that will scan your suitcase. Be sure to switch to armed after
recovering a weapon.
the stairs, grab the guns from those fallen guards, and deactivate the computer
there by pressing "B". Objective
3: Complete. This
is where the tempo of the level changes. Race down the stairs, and head straight
through the intersection, to the dead end with the elevator, killing the NSA Lackey
who awaits at the end.
around, and paste the guards who round the corner. Head shots are important, with
your high power weapons you can easily take care of the swarming guards. The flow
of guards will eventually stop, and you can head back to the big room with the
escalators. Just step in, fire a few shots at a guard, and retreat, ready to knock
off the guards as they chase you around the corner. Guards also await at the top
of the escalator, so be sure to get their attention as well.
the coast is clear, head back to the escalator room, and through the door visible
in the left screenshot. You'll go through a hall, then a room, and another hall
with an elevator door at the end. Head into the last entrance of this hall, and
lure the guards into the hallway where you can easily kill them.
into that doorway, and into another room, to find a mine placed on a door. Shoot
the mine from a safe distance, and it will shatter the glass on both sides. You
can now crouch to get inside the windows, and activate the switch on the wall
to open the safe, and collect the flight plans from the safe. Objective
4: Complete.
back to the hall, and take the elevator down. There are a few different exit points,
and if you end up on the bottom floor, you'll be facing the Air Force One, with
the backs of some guards. Don't step out, but just head back up a floor, until
you reach this area, in the right screenshot.
there, you just exit the elevator, and head left, to find yourself on a bridge
leading to the Air Force One. Just step inside to exit the level. Objective
5: Complete.
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