Simulants (Bots)

  Simulants in the Combat Simulator (aka "Bots" in Multiplayer)

The best innovation in the Multiplayer mode of Perfect Dark   has to be the computer controlled Simulants you can play against (or have on your team).

Difficulty for CPU controlled Characters can be set from " MeatSim " which is basically a wounded animal waiting to be killed...

The most dangerous opponent is the "DarkSim " - A relentless predator that hunts down all players, has perfect aim, and always scores head shots.


Listing of simulant difficulties, Easiest, Hardest








All the simulant levels will not be available when you first start playing; you'll have to complete certain challenges to earn them all.
In addition to the simulant's difficulty, there are also special simulants that can be added, set at the above difficulties, who each have a unique traits or skills:


This simulant does not fight, but instead, it runs all over the arena, picking up all the weapons it can get it's hands on. It doesn't use them of course. But if it takes all the weapons, what do you fight with? Easy: Hunt down and destroy the PeaceSim, and collect the goodies it drops, from it's fallen corpse. It isn't completely harmless though, if you approach it while armed, it will disarm you.



Must... Grab... Shield... Is all that computes inside the ShieldSim's memory. It never goes anywhere without a shield. If it even takes the slightest bit of damage, it will run and grab another shield, firing at you all the while it is retreating though.



Loves fireworks. But since there are none to be found in the game, it instead focuses it's energy into grabbing whatever explosive weapons it can find, to use on it's opponents. Only fights with explosives, in other words.



The KazeSim is very aggressive. It will take on whoever is in it's path, regardless of what kind of weapon it is armed with, or if it is outnumbered. Usually an easy kill, but quite relentless if it is armed with a powerful weapon.



Runs around unarmed. Fights only with it's fists. But set it to a higher difficulty, and look out. It dodges, and gets behind you, punching you beyond belief. It causes little damage, but disarms you of your current weapon, and makes your vision blurry. Blurred vision then makes you an easy target for other players.



Loves the smell of blood... Or any fresh meat. Fresh meat being any player who has just been defeated, and has restarted. When you restart, you are unarmed. It is at this point when the PreySim moves in, to catch you when you're at your weakest.



Not much of a fighter. Generally, the CowardSim will only attack a player who is unarmed, or who has a weaker weapon than the CowardSim itself has. If you begin firing, and chasing it with a powerful weapon, it is sure to run away.



If you're winning a match, beware of the JudgeSim. The JudgeSim hands down the sentence of death, or at least it attempts to, to whoever is in the lead, or in second place next to it. This is a good thing if you're losing, but bad if you're winning. But the JudgeSim has no objection from killing a losing player, if that player is in it's path.



Once the game starts, the FeudSim selects a player as a target, and repeatedly hunts down that player without ceasing. There's no way out of the FeudSim's scheme, so you simply have to go along with it, and keep defeating it again and again, if it chooses you as the one it likes to pick on.



A rather unusual Simulant, it is granted about twice the speed as a normal character, which means it can chase you down, or leave you in the dust. It's hard to hit, as it dodges and bounces around. Get it cornered, and blast it.



Chooses not to move very fast, and is always granted special armor, regardless of whether it picked it up or not. It can take a beating, but since it's slow moving, and easy to hit, it balances out.



Whoever kills the VengeSim, look out. It WILL get it's revenge on you. Of course it destroys the innocent if they happen to get it it's way, but it's main intention, is to get the one that killed it. It's reign of terror on you is over if another player is foolish enough to kill it.