Interesting Stuff (Page 2)

  Interesting Stuff (page 2)

A second basket of Perfect Dark Easter Eggs...

Hunting for this stuff has become a passion for PD fanatics.

Neat things to see and do. Some of it hidden deep within the game, all compiled here for your amusement.

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Facing a Sniper:
On the grounds of the entire Carrington Villa, a lone dataDyne Sniper is always without a purple mask that (most) of the Snipers wear. As an Agent, or Special Agent, he's near the helipad, and gives you double CMP-150s if you kill him within 38 seconds. On Perfect Agent, this mask-less guard is located on one of the rooftops.

Golden Bafta Statue...
After opening the safe in the G5 Building, you grab the Dr. Caroll backup data, visible as the flat black piece in this screenshot. But there's also a mysterious golden head on another shelf of the safe. You can't pick it up, and if you shoot it, it explodes. This head is actually a BAFTA award, British Academy of Film and Television Arts. Rare won a BAFTA Award in 1998, The Games Award Category, for Goldeneye 007. Obviously, they hoped to win the BAFTA award once again with Perfect Dark.

Different Blood From Different Worlds:
You'd think that the gruesome, twisted Skedar race, who are extremely biologically different from humans would have green blood. But instead, they have red blood, while the Maians, similar to humans in composition, have green blood.

(Star Wars fans might be aware that Jedi Master Yoda has green blood...)

dataDyne on Air Force One:
The Air Force One is using computer equipment belonging from the dataDyne. Is this a wise choice?

(It's the same computer model from the comms hubs in the dataDyne mission, re-used here.

As part of the backstory, it could be feasilbe that The Government is placing a lot of trust in the dataDyne Corporation. In big business, money talks...

Right handed lefty:
As some might remember from GoldenEye site, there were clusters of left handed guards in the game. (Even Trevelyan was left handed for one mission, and then right handed in the next).

In Perfect Dark, Jonathan is right handed in Area 51 Rescue, but he's a lefty in the next mission, Area 51 Escape.

Quick answer, he must be Ambidextrous.

Mysterious item in the G5 Safe:
If you look through the door of the safe in the G5 Building with a FarSight or X-Ray Scanner before activating the door decoder, you'll see a flat object on the ground, along with the golden head, and Dr. Caroll Backup.

The item is not there when you open the safe, and in fact, disappears as soon as you plant the decoder to crack the safe. Is this simply the decoder, being stored here until it is needed, where we're not supposed to see it? Most likely.

Conspirators Exit:
Once you activate the cinema scene with Mr. Blonde, DeVries, and Easton in the G5 Building, you don't have to watch the whole clip. If you stand at the locked door to the room before activating the CamSpy, end the cinema scene part way through, and you can actually see the shapes of all the conspirators leave via the elevator! They just step in it, and disappear. How's that for detail?

Hey, it's a HIM!:
Regardless if you're playing as Mr. Blonde in the Special Assignment, or using the Play as Elvis cheat, guards will always refer to you as if you were still Joanna, a female. They'll yell "GET HER!", and "YOU BITCH", ect. This is more acceptable with the Play as Elvis cheat, because you're technically still Joanna. But not when you're Mr. Blonde in his own mission. Just something that was overlooked, or would have taken too much time to fix.

Say, you've got pretty big hands there for a woman...

Another DataDyne Spelling Error:
dataDyne famously spells their Corporate name beginning with a lowercase "d". But just like the dataDyne hovercopter, the dataDyne limousine is referred to as the "DataDyne limo" when a message appears at the bottom of your screen.

The Dark Files:
Someone has pointed out the resemblance the Carrington Institute Technician in the firing range has to David Duchovny, Fox Moulder from the X-Files...

It's actually the face of one of the programmers who happens to look like Duchovny, with lighter colored hair.

Psychosis Guns Limited:
The Psychosis Gun is a really cool weapon. When hit by it's darts, victims suffer from a particular psychosis that makes them turn on their friends, and assist their enemies. But even with the Unlimited Ammo Cheat turned on, you're still only allowed four shots with the gun before it's empty. Every other gun follows the law of Unlimited Ammo. What's wrong with this one?

Falling Cars:
In dataDyne Defection, hovering cars are visible, flying in the distance. You can actually blow them right out of the sky, and watch them fall until they are out of sight. How high up is this dataDyne building anyway? Some of the cars come quite close to the building.

Guards with Falcons:
If you shoot a guards gun out of his hands, he'll usually pick it up again. But if you pick up his gun, he'll either surrender, punch you, OR pull out a handgun to shoot you with. This hand gun is actually Joanna's Falcon. Kind of like the guard with the PP7 in GoldenEye...

If he surrenders though, he'll often say something like "I'm just doing my job" or "Please. Don't Shoot. Please..."

Skedar Cheese Room:
The Skedar's cheese is found through a crack in a wall. This crack is visible after turning left at the option of blowing the wall with the Devastator. But you can fire a Slayer Rocket through the crack, and have a look at the neat little square room it's in. You can also fly out of there via another crack, and see the level all glitched up, with colors in the background.

Grid = G5 Building:
Anyone who has played the Grid in Combat Simulator has noticed the G5 words on the wall. An interesting note from the NP Players Guide mentions that it is a part of the G5 Building that Joanna never saw on mission mode...
An early level of the game perhaps? The building resembles the building on the Chicago Streets.

Plus, there's the mystery about the locked elevator door. Why is a door in there locked in Combat Simulator??? Is (was) there something to be found? See the Unsolved Mysteries section.


"What a mess…"

"I never liked that robot anyway…"

Chicago Street Guard Talk:
The guards actually converse about the situation after the reprogrammed taxi flies from the sky and hits the patrolling robot. They have set lines that they speak. They won't do this if you are present, so it's hard to tell. You can hear them from the alley, and in the storm vain, but the easiest thing to do is use the Cloaking Device Cheat, so you can stand among them, and hear what they have to say about the crash.

"The boss isn't going to like this…"

"We can always get a new one…"


Realistic Felicity:
In the Multiplayer Felicity level, you can actually look up in certain parts of the ventilation shaft, and see rock, and a green sky. You can use the Slayer's second function, the Fly-By-Wire, and fly a rocket out the vent, and around outside. There is nothing to be found, just a large rock wedge, and endless green sky. Of course you can only go so far before you lose control and the rocket explodes.

And no, the Byelomorye Dam isn't waiting for you outside... Remember, this is the year 2023, so the Dam is probably long gone.

Japanese Chicago:
On the streets of Chicago, the majority of the signs are Japanese...
The game wasn't developed in Japan like Mario, or Zelda. So what gives? There are definitely pockets of culture in every major U.S. city, so it's not unfeasible.

Mister Ex- President:
On board the Air Force One, in The President's room, there is this photo of what appears to be President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
There are two photos of him in The President's room, opposite each other, and mirrored. Cool detail.

Aged Like a Fine Wine:
In Carrington's basement, you'll find shelf after shelf, stocked with wine and liquor bottles. Is Carrington a fine wine collector or simply an alcoholic? (Or both?)

Each of the bottles has a small graphic on it, along with the word "JUNE".

Destroying every single bottle in the basement results in one of the game's ultimate Easter Eggs:

(Can use some explosives - But the very last bottle MUST be destroyed with your gun)

Upon blasting the final glass jug, Carrington's voice will tell you to "Act your age, Joanna".

Tracker Bug & Comms Rider:
Twenty six years in the future, and it seems the world of espionage hasn't changed much.

The method of planting a bug is the same, and so is the bug itself...

GoldenEye veterans would have noticed the Tracer Bug and Comms Rider images are the very same as James Bond's Tracker Bug and Convert Modem.

Carrington Institute Statue:
The strange looking statue inside the Carrington Institute is actually a simple 'C' and 'I' beside each other, standing for 'Carrington Institute'.


Base Map:
In the Combat Simulator's Base level, there is a map on one of the walls. The map appears to be a very rough version of the level.

Just a neat detail.


dataDyne Stylized:
dataDyne always has a lowercase 'd' as the first letter, (the second 'D' is capitalized).

But destroying the hovercopter in the third mission (dataDyne - Extraction) the message of the copter being eliminated spells 'DataDyne' with a capital 'D'

Conspirators Flee the Building:
If the alarm goes off in the G5 Building, before you photograph the meeting conspirators, they will abort the meeting. But with your CamSpy, you can actually make out Cassandra DeVries getting up, and leaving. Excellent detail.

Golden Weapons:
Anyone who has actually played the game probably already knows about this... The common weapons from GoldenEye 007 appear on display in the Carrington Institute's shooting range.
You can also earn the right to use them by earning all gold medals on the shooting range.

Head Hunting:
In the cinema scenes, guards are usually set to have the same faces.
Typically the heads belong to people involved game's development - Like these two familiar faces from GoldenEye;
(in the Villa Mission), and Ken Lobb of Nintendo (Area 51 Rescue).

End of "Interesting Stuff" Page 2.
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