Interesting Stuff

  Interesting Stuff (page 1)

Perfect Dark has many details can easily go unnoticed...

Some things deliberately added for ambience, while others puzzle us to this day.

Easter eggs, neat facts and random objects... For detail-oriented Agents who can't get enough of this stuff, a second page has been compiled. [View Page 2]

Never Cry Wolf...
While playing multiplayer in Area 52, I spotted something unique on one of the walls... The faded texture on the wall appears to be an animal, possibly a canine? But that's not the only sighting... Near the sniper towers, there's another texture that looks a bit like a pig.

Back to the Old Drawing Board...
Just happened to be checking out some of the surroundings in Area 51, and I noticed this... A sketchboard with what appears to be a Maian, and a flying saucer. Just another one of those small detailed things that Rareware takes the time to include.

Aren't You A Little Short For a Shock Trooper?
People come in all shapes and sizes... And apparently, so do the guards. In this shot, the guard on the left is clearly taller than the one on the right. I had never noticed a height difference between guards before. Definitely another touch of realism.

Taking out the Trash:
Has anyone even bothered to check out what's in the game's trash cans? Of course not... But, for the investigative spy, there's a bit of crumpled paper found in the bottom. More details that were thrown into the game by the programmers at Rare.
Thanks to the_avenger07

Take it Off!
Most players have probably found the Pond Punk bar that's tucked away in the Chicago Stealth mission (game's fifth level).
Something else has been brought to my attention... A pole is running from the ceiling down. There's no bar on this table, so it's undoubtedly a stripper pole... Surrounded with chairs for an audience (of "gentlemen").


Mining For The Triforce:
This could just be pure coincidence... Or it could be a hidden detail. On every type of mine, there's a set of triangles that very closely resembles the Triforce from the Zelda series.
Other people have made mention of how the Callisto NTG looks similar to the Ocarina of Time...

Chesluk Industries:
In the firing range, you can use the technician's terminal to have a look at information about each weapon in the game. Almost every weapon has a creator, like dataDyne, the Carrington Institute, Maians... But there is another company that has created 3 weapons: Chesluk Industries. The MagSec4, Cyclone, and RC-P120 are all listed as creations of Chesluk Industries.

The name "Chesluk" is actually a member of the Perfect Dark development team. Beau Chesluk, or Beu Ner Chesluk, was responsible for "Guns and visual orgasms".
That's absolutely priceless - Another hint of Rare's twisted sense of humor!

Alien Eyes:
I thought that everyone had noticed this. But it's still news to some people. In the graphic of Joanna Dark on the game box, you can see the reflection of a Maian alien in one of Joanna's eyes. Just a cool detail that can be tough to notice.

Loveday Credited:
Leigh Loveday has the thankless task of replying to questions sent in by the visitors of Rareware's website. But Leigh's name also appears in the Perfect Dark credits, as well as other people we know of, including Ken Lobb, who is of course the namesake of the Klobb weapon from Goldeneye.

Human Trapped in a Wall...
I just happened to find this while exploring the dataDyne building... On some of the walls, there is a texture that looks like a person kneeling. Just something extra that the PD team threw in for detail.

Easton Cut From The Scene:
Watching Trent Easton die in the Crash Site's end level cinema scene is one of the best movie clips in the game...
But if you choose to watch this clip from the Cinema in the main menu, Trent Easton will not appear in the scene. You can still hear his voice, but the camera just shows thin air. He's only shown in this movie when you watch it from beating the Crash Site.
The most logical explanation for this, is that he's only loaded into the memory when you play the level. Just a small slip up by Rare.


Perfect Graffiti:
The Perfect Dark "N" graphic isn't just found in the game's intro. That same graphic is also found as some detailed graffiti on some of the buildings in Chicago. Just another one of the many thingsadded for detail.


Alien Ship?:
On the Air Force One mission, Joanna has to throw a mine in this shaft, in order to detach the UFO from the plane. But as is shown with the FarSight, the end of the shaft forms a "T", that leads nowhere, instead of an alien ship. No big deal, just an observation.


dataDyne's Falcon:
Not only will some of the dataDyne guards use a Falcon 2 as a secondary weapon... But the weapon developed by the Carrington Institute is also found on a desk in the dataDyne Extraction level. Maybe dataDyne is attempting to reverse engineer the pistol...


Perfect dataDyne...
The wall designs of the Combat Simulator Villa level have something cleverly hidden in them... When viewed up close, you can see a 'PdD'… This is the 'Pd' logo you see at the start of the game, coupled with the 'dataDyne' logo. Cool detail.

Submitted by Stormcloud75


More Perfect dataDyne
The 'PdD' texture isn't only found in the Villa, but the Combat Simulator's Temple as well.

Miss Dark...
Most people know that if you play Co-Operative with another human player, and if the second player is the one that beats the level, Velvet Dark will replace Joanna in the Cinema scene.
This is interesting enough, but Rare was clever enough to avoid using Joanna's name... Velvet has Jo's Voice, and the characters treat her as Joanna, but call her 'Agent Dark'.

EDITORS NOTE: Joanna does cite her own name in Area 51 Escape. She calls herself "...Agent Dark - Or Joanna, if you prefer..."

More Bloody Details:
Already mentioned how Maians have obviously green blood. But if you look closely, the red human blood has a different tint than the also red blood of the Skedar. Excellent detail.

Perfect Intro:
Most people know about this... In the opening intro, when you first turn on the game, the Nintendo 64 logo rotates around in a circle, and transforms into a metallic 'N', which is at the same time, actually a 'Pd', for Perfect Dark.

Mauler on Game Box:
This isn't necessarily all that interesting, but on the PD game box, Joanna is shown using two Maulers in the Chicago level. This is obviously the All Weapons cheat, and it's unusual to use such a screenshot for the game's box.

Although it's not very clear in this screenshot, the "Pond Punk" bar is actually called the "Pink Pony".

Submitted by Agent Green

Face the Differences:
Almost everyone has noticed that Joanna Dark's face from in the game does not match the look of the many promotional graphics that Rare has created.
Someone sent a letter to the Rareware scribes at Rare's website, and they actually posted an answer. They explained that the graphics were based on the look of the real life Joanna Dark model, Michelle Merkin.
It was way too late to go back and change Joanna in the game itself, so they went on with the "different" Joanna for promotional graphics.




Area 51 Bike in the Carrington Institute:
The Carrington Institute has a hoverbike waiting around for Joanna to test drive before she even begins her mission. But examination of the bike shows it's identical to the ones in Area 51... It even has "51" marked on the side of it. The CI must have stolen it from Area 51 beforehand... Also, an Area 51 hoverbike appears on the Air Force One, and if you lower it, it will also be in the Crash Site level.

Spelling Mistake:
The "Perfect" game has a small spelling mistake in it. In the Skedar Ruins level, choose the Target Amplifier from your inventory. If you let the description of the device scroll through, you'll read " Supremely accurate targeting infomation", when the last word should be "information". This is something extremely minor, and does not change the quality of the game. But it's just cool to point out.

Submitted by Snake92589

Rare Sighting:
Rare usually fills it's games with their logo, as well as Nintendo ads. But Goldeneye and Perfect Dark are two games that were free of Rare ads... Except for the lone, tiny Rare logo on a wall in Goldeneye's Depot, and now this in Perfect Dark. In the Carrington Villa, watch the whole cinema scene. After Jo (or the Negotiator) gets out of the ship, and it takes off, you can catch a black and green Rare logo inside the ship. Turn on Slo-Mo to make it easier to spot.

Calling the Pixies:
While in the Area 51 Rescue level, individuals are repeatedly being paged over the intercom system.

"Dr. Francis, please go to chryo lab A"
"Nurse Robinson, Report to bio-analysis"
"Captain Santiago, go to medical bay 6"
"Lieutenant Deal, report to containment"
"Dr. Lovering, please phone autopsy

It seems just like a great ambience to add in the level.. But there's more - All of these individuals, Black Francis, Robinson, David Lovering, Joey Santiago, and Kim Deal, are all members of the Pixies band. It was just an interesting thing for Rare to include in the game.

Submitted by devilDarker

Other end of the Villa:
Across the water from the Villa, is a lone sniper that you have to dispose of. But there's also a useless structure. The Sniper there did not shoot at me, no matter what I did. Was there ever another point to this side of the Villa? I checked out the tower with my FarSight, and there is nothing visible inside, other than hollow space.

"Looooser" "Don't you have to be somewhere?" "I just don't have the patience for this…" "Don't you have a life? Stupid question I suppose."

Rude Technicians:
The CI Technicians are all "hard at work" In the Carrington Institute. They're just standing around doing nothing, scratching their butts and stretching.
If you approach them, they greet you, or say hello. But if you approach them more than once, they fire rude comments at you.
They're pretty cranky for a bunch of geeks who slack off all day, aren't they? I suggest finding ways to decrease costs from the CI Budget... Like maintaining only a minimal staff.

"It's really sweet of you to be so irritant." "Just leave me alone, would you?" "What do YOU want?" "I just cleaned up, so don't make a mess."

Velvet vs. Natalya:
Many people have commented on the visual similarity Velvet Dark (Joanna younger sister) and Natalya Simonova from GoldenEye.
I suppose there's a slight  resemblance.

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